Wednesday 2 September 2015

Science experiments & discoveries.

In Discovery time this term we have enjoyed lots of different science investigations and discoveries.
We used magnifying glasses to view our fingerprints and small objects.

We investigated what objects are magnetic, and how our senses affect our taste!!

Monday 17 August 2015

Science experiment

We planted seeds in different liquids like juice, coke, fertiliser and just water. After 2 weeks only the seeds in plain water really grew.  By Riley.

Friday 14 August 2015

Maths this week

Lily's maths group have being using an i-pad app called number frames to show their understanding of grouping numbers in 2s, 5s and 10s

Aaron and Baylee used the same app and worked together to count in 2s

Thursday 13 August 2015


We are having fun with magnets, magnifying glasses, flying helicopters and growing beans. Here is an awesome link to learn about easy Science concepts
There will be an opportunity to view lots of our Science experiments later in the term.

National scarf day

Last Friday at school some scouts wore their scarf because it was national scarf day. William and I wore our scarves. We go to Keas every Monday. We normally play games and sometimes go on camps

Growing beans

The last month we have been growing beans. The first week we got a jar and we dipped a paper towel in water and squashed it in a jar. Then we put a bean on the side of the jar so we could see it grow. We gave it a little amount of water. Over the last few weeks we have seen the bean start to grow. We can see the roots and stalk and a leaf. Today we had soil in a pot and made a hole in the soil and carefully grabbed the stalk and planted it. This photo shows me holding my bean.
By Riley

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Our beans are starting to sprout in our jar.✌๐Ÿฟ️๐Ÿ˜Ž Our beans our in jars๐ŸŒ๐Ÿค๐Ÿฉby Tom

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Science experiments

In class we are doing an experiment to find out what liquid makes seeds grow the best. I think coke might make to seed grow the best and vinegar will stop it growing.
By Jayden

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Science show.

Hamish McLellan (Nayland College Science teacher) gave us an excellent presentation about Science. He showed various experiments and discussed the importance of Fair Testing. 

Wednesday 22 July 2015


We are learning about fractions. We have learnt to make half,quarters and thirds and know that we have to make it fair by making each piece the same size. If you cut a pizza in half you get two pieces, if you cut it in thirds you get three pieces and if you cut a pizza in quarters you get four pieces.

Thursday 2 July 2015


we all learnt how to do running stitch. Hopefully we will progress to other stitches later in the year and make some lovely Christmas gifts!

Wednesday 17 June 2015

More great writing by our students.

Here are a few more Fairy Tales retold in writing by some students.

Three Billy Goats   By Riley
One day there were three billy goats who wanted the grass on the other side of the bridge, but the bridge was guarded by an evil troll.
So the little billy goat went across the bridge and “Pop” the troll came up from under the bridge. The troll said “Get off my bridge”, and the little billy goat said “Don’t eat me, I’m just little, wait for my bigger brother.” So the troll said “You can go” and the goat went tottering happily to the grass.
Later on, middle billy goat came along and the troll popped up from under the bridge. He said “Get off my bridge” and the middle sized goat said “Don’t eat me, I’m just middle sized, wait for big billy goat”. The troll said “OK, you can go”, so middle sized billy goat went trotter, trotter all the way to the grass.
Suddenly, Big billy goat came along and went on the bridge. The troll came up and had an argument, then big billy goat huffed and puffed and went BIFF and pushed the troll into the water, so they all lived happily ever after.

Jack and the beanstalk.   By Justin
One day jack and his mum were poor. They decided to sell the cow. His mum told him to take the cow. He saw a man and sold the cow and went home with the magic beans. He showed his mum and she threw the beans out the window and sent him to bed.
In the morning he saw a giant beanstalk. He climbed up and found a castle. He crept under the door. Suddenly a giant said “Fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of an Englishman.” Jack hid in a mug. The giant couldn’t find him. He climbed down the beanstalk. The giant went down too. He cut it down and the goose lay a golden egg. They lived happily ever after.

         Jack and beanstalk… By Emma Jane
One day there was Jack’s mum and Jack and they were poor. He got some magic beans. Jack had to climb up the beanstalk. In the morning Jack had a surprise out of his window.He went into the giant’s castle and he heard the sound of the giant’s voice. He heard a goose quack behind him. Finally the giant started to climb down the beanstalk. Jack had to climb up the beanstalk again and grab the goose. Jack chopped the beanstalk down and the goose laid a golden egg so jack and his mum were rich.
The end

Thursday 11 June 2015

Retelling fairy Tales

The whole class are very motivated in writing thanks to the stimulation of various Fairy Tales. We have written about The Three Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, Billy Goats Gruff and Jack & Beanstalk. We will also be retelling some Maori legends and dramatising them.
Many have been published and are on show in the classroom. Here are a few to read.

          The Three Billy Goats        By Emberley
  One day there were three Billy Goats that ate the yukky grass. They wanted to cross the bridge. The small Billy Goat went to the other side of the bridge but a troll jumped up and said “What are you doing on my bridge?.” “I’m walking to the other side of the bridge.”. Then the big troll pushed him in the river and they all lived happily ever after.

        Three Billy Goats Gruff.        By Kasaea
  Once upon a time there were Three Billy Goats Gruff. Next they saw a side with sweet grass. Billy Goat gruff went to the bridge. He was tippey toeing over the bridge. After that the troll got up and said he was going on my bridge. It was Little Billy Goat Gruff. Next middle Billy Goat gruff wanted to get to the side that had sweet grass. He wanted to cross too. Then he ran to the other side and the troll got up and looked around. He thought it was Big Billy Goat Gruff. After that it was Big Billy Goat Gruff’s turn to cross to the other side. He had to knock the troll over. The Three Billy Goats Gruff never saw the troll again.

 The Three Billy Goats      By Lily
One day there were 3 billy Goats. They wanted to eat the grass on the other side of the river. Little Billy Goat went across the bridge.
Suddenly the troll jumped out in front of Little Billy Goat. Little billy Goat said “Please don’t eat me. Wait for my big brother”. Soon Middle Billy Goat came along and the troll jumped out. Middle billy Goat said “Please don’t eat me, wait for my bigger brother.” Later on Big Billy Goat came to the bridge. The troll jumped out. Suddenly Big Billy Goat ran forward and biffed the troll into the river. Splash! Then they ate all of the grass and lived happily ever after.
The end

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Hockey coaching

We have enjoyed some professional hockey coaching from the local club. Here are some action photos.

Monday 11 May 2015

Trash to Flash

Thank-you so much for all the bottles, boxes and decorations you kindly sent in for this mini project.
They all looked great with their shoes, hats and bags.
There will be some before and after photos of them in their sample folder this term.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Josh's poster

Josh is quite an expert using Comic Life.

Photos from home.

So far 2 students have taken the class camera home and shared some great photos of their family, house and garden with us all. They have also learnt how to display their photos in Comic life too. Here is Lily's poster.

I will post more next week.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Ethan's puffer fish

Today Ethan showed us his dried puffer fish. It was caught by a fisherman then dried and stuffed. We looked at other types of puffer fish on google too.


At last our class blog is up and running. Please check it our each week and make comments if possible